Arthritis is a broad term that is given to joint pain, and this can be in your hands, feet, hips, knees… pretty much wherever your joints meet. Literally speaking, ‘arthr‘ means joint, and ‘itis‘ means inflammation. Most forms of arthritis are chronic, they sadly live with painful flare-ups for the rest of their life.
With that in mind, we wanted to share 5 natural therapies you could use to help alleviate your arthritis symptoms.
Hot and Cold Therapy
When to treat with heat:
As a child, you may recall having to do warm-up exercises before playing sport. This is because warm muscles are more loose and flexible, reducing the risk of tears and other injuries. By warming up the arthritic area, you can ease stiffness and allow the joint to be more limber whilst reducing discomfort.
When to treat with cold:
In first-aid training you are taught to handle injuries with the classic acronym R.I.C.E.R technique:
- Rest
- Ice
- Compression
- Elevation
- Referral
The ice part involves applying something cold, such as ice or ice-pack. The cold relieves the pain, swelling and inflammation.
Ointments such as deep heat and tiger balm provide warmth that further reduces discomfort and relieves joint pain.
Manage your weight
Weight management is a long-term remedy that can significantly reduce symptoms. In a nutshell, more weight = more pressure on your joints = more pain. This is especially true when it comes to your feet, knees, and hips.
Losing weight not only reduces the stress on joints, but can also:
- Improve mobility
- Reduce pain
- Prevent future damage to joints
A healthy diet and regular exercise are two of the best ways you can manage your weight effectively – and are in fact the next two of our listed therapies…
A healthy diet
We all know what a good diet should consist of:
- Vegetables
- Fresh fruits
- Whole foods
The food pyramid is always a good place to start, but as all bodies are different it is best to consult a dietician to find out what your own particular needs are.
Antioxidants are the keyword for an arthritis sufferer’s diet, as they reduce inflammation by removing free radicals from your body. You can get plenty of antioxidants in a plant-based diet.
On the other hand, people with arthritis should stay away from a diet rich in red meat, saturated fats, processed foods, and added sugar. These guys may aggravate inflammation.
Regular Exercise
As mentioned above, regular exercise can help manage your weight. It can also:
- Keep your joints moving, reducing stiffness and adding flexibility
- Strengthen muscles around your joints
- Improve your mental health
Some great exercises for people with arthritis include:
- Water Walking
- Swimming
- Golf
- Outdoor Walking
- Yoga
Callum Whitworth has written a great blog on these moderate exercises to alleviate arthritis.
This yellow spice is commonly found in Indian and Asian dishes and contains the chemical curcumin. It has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce the pain and symptoms of arthritis.
Arthritis can hinder your daily activities, such as preparing your favourite hot beverage!
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